
St. Patrick’s Day Mass Times


Feast of St. Patrick – Patron Saint of Ireland

Wednesday 17th March, 2021.

Masses: Vigil Mass Tuesday 16th March…

Resources For Lent

Lent Resources 

We wish all of our parishioners a prayerful and holy season of Lent.  To facilitate your prayer during these difficult times of restrictions, we have placed a Lenten petitions box and some prayer resources for the Stations of the Cross.

Ash Wednesday 17th February

Ash Wednesday

Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday.

Sachets of Blessed Ashes will be available, for collection, in the Church from 9.00 a.m. until dusk,

with the exception of Mass times which is…

ACCORD Dublin Annual Collection

Accord Dublin’s Annual Collection will take place this weekend  13th & 14th February.

Accord needs your support this year more than ever. Please give generously.

You can donate in the following ways:

Envelopes will…

Prayer for Unity among Christians

Gracious Lord, we pray for all the members of your holy Church,

that all may abide in you and you in them, that they may be one in your

love and bear much fruit. We also pray for the world, that all may come

to believe in your love for them by the fruit of…

Christmas Dues

The Priest’s of the Parish are deeply grateful to all those who sent in their Christmas Dues.

If you did not receive an envelope, we apologise.  Envelopes are available in the Church should you wish to take one, or you may donate online at

Acknowledgements will be issued in due course.

Parish Office

The Parish Office is closed at present due to Level 5 Restrictions.

If you wish to contact the parish office please email or telephone 01 2882104.

We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Masses can still be booked,  Mass cards can be collected by appointment or posted out if you…

Covid – 19 Level 5 Restrictions

We regret that all public Masses will be suspended,  until further notice from December 26th due to Level 5 Restrictions which have been reintroduced by the government.

All our Masses will now be online at with the exceptions of funerals. The number attending funerals is 10 people.

If you wish to contact Fr. Peter…

Level 3 Mass and Opening Times

With the easing of Government restrictions our Daily Mass has resumed at 1.05 p.m.  Monday to Friday.

Parishioners are required to wear face masks and follow guidelines regarding hand sanitizing and social distancing.

Our weekend Masses are : Saturday 11.00 a.m and 6.30 p.m. Vigil Mass.

Sunday: 10.00 a.m. and 12.00 noon.

Remembrance Mass

The Annual Mass for those who have died and whose funerals have taken place from our Parish Church or in other Churches will, be celebrated via the parish webcam next Sunday, 22nd November at 12 noon. Their names will be called out and a lighted candle in their memory will burn on the…